Calculate Sonic Porosity - Unconsolidated Formations

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Sonic Porosity- Unconsolidated Formations

To calculate sonic porosity for unconsolidated formation, we can start by getting the product of the Wyllie et al. (1958) sonic porosity equation with the inverse expression of a compaction factor. The equation is the following:

Sonic Porosity- Unconsolidated Formations
  • ɸs= sonic porosity
  • Cp= compaction factor
  • Δtma= matrix interval transit time
  • Δtlog= interval transit time of the formation (from the sonic log)
  • Δtfl= fluid interval transit time

Calculate Sonic derived Porosity - Unconsolidated Formations

Compaction Factor (Cp)

Compaction factor is calculated from the following equation, which takes into account the sonic porosity at a nearby shale:

  • Δtsh= interval transit time in a shale adjacent to the formation of interest
  • C= a constant which is normally 1.0 (Hilchie, 1978)

Calculate Compaction Factor (Cp)

Made by Henry Herrera

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