Calculate Permeability K - Coates & Dumanoir (1973)

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Permeability- Coates & Dumanoir (1973)

Coates & Dumanoir (1973) proposed a more expression for permeability calculation. This equation includes water resistivity and water resistiviy of a formation at an irreducible water saturation zone values, and some constants that are related to resistivity and density values. The equation is the following:

 Coates and Dumanoir Permeability
  • K= permeability in milidarcys
  • Rw= formation water resistivity at formation temperature
  • Rt irr= true formation resistivity from a formation at irreducible water saturation (Swirr)
  • ɸ = porosity
  • C= Coates and Dumanoir constant
  • W= Coates and Dumanoir constant

Calculate Permeability (k) - Coates & Dumanoir (1973)

Constant W

Constant W of the Coates & Dumanoir equation, is calculated considering porosity and resistivity values, and it is the following:

 Coates and Dumanoir Permeability Constant W
  • Rw= formation water resistivity at formation temperature
  • Rt irr= true formation resistivity from a formation at irreducible water saturation (Swirr)
  • ɸ= porosity

Calculate Constant W - Coates and Dumanoir (1973)

Constant C

In the case of constant C, this is calculated from the following expression, which only considers the hydrocarbon density value:

 Coates and Dumanoir Permeability Constant C
  • ρh = hydrocarbon density in g / cm3

Calculate Constant C - Coates and Dumanoir (1973)

Made by Henry Herrera

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